How to build an outdoor trapeze

Every climber needs a trapeze, but not all of us have the opportunity to have one in our apartment. That's why the question "how to build an outdoor trapeze" often arises. But before we start building, we have to ask ourselves if it's worth it or if it's better to go to the gym, the playground or simply wait until we get to the climbing wall again.

Where there are bars everywhere

There is always another option than building bars. A trapeze is the perfect item for strength training. However, building it is difficult. 99% percent of gyms have parallel bars, and the larger ones also have special places for calisthenics (callisthenics) and crossfit. Here you will find trapeze bars of all kinds, including ladders and cages. Of course, you have to pay for it. The second option is workout fields, which appear like mushrooms after the rain in Czech cities. Yes, they can often be a bit intimidating, especially if groups come to practice on them. However, those groups are something that cannot be replaced, as they are usually very open and help new people to fall in love with trapeze.

Climbing walls practically always have bars. A wall without a trapeze is like Ondra without 9c or Garnbret without flash boulder. In short, wrong. And if you don't have a workout field or a gym around you and you don't go to the wall often enough, simply try a children's playground. A few mistakes on the way to public transport really worked wonders!

hrazda, venkovní hrazda, jak se stavi venkovni hrazda na ktere jde posilovat vlastni vahou
Fixed trapeze in a "cage"

Trapeze without building

Yes, we know this part goes directly against what this article is about. But we think it is important to list the options that can be used before one starts. In addition to going to places where there are bars, there is an option to buy a bar. Here you have three main options. The first is the cheapest but also slightly unreliable. These are screw bars into the door frame. These bars are very cheap, but also quite unreliable. The second option is to purchase a bar that is removable and is placed on the door frame. The last are standing bars. These types are more expensive and require space, but they are worth it.

How to build an outdoor trapeze

Here again there are two main options, suitable depending on what materials you have available and how much space you have. One variant is free-standing in the ground (such as in parks) and the other is attached to the wall. 

Freestanding trapeze

Material: Two stakes, metal rod, sand/gravel/clay

This trapeze is more demanding to manufacture. It is a free-standing structure embedded in the ground. The most important thing you need to build such a trellis are two good wooden stakes (pillars). The procedure is quite simple (at least in theory). The stakes on which the crossbar will be attached must be planed and holes must be dug for them. The deeper the hole, the safer the trapeze will be, of course. Stakes are inserted into the holes and the holes are filled and suffocated.

A metal rod (ideally also smooth) will come between the stakes. Stake tube allocation varies depending on what you have available. Even in the ideal case, you will be able to screw / screw it on.


It is possible to build this trellis without sinking it into the ground. But for that, it will be necessary to build a support base on which the trapeze will stand. For inspiration, we recommend looking at the standing barbells that Decathlon or Gorilla Sport have, for example.

venkovní hrazda postavena na zahrade venku
Outdoor trapeze

Hanging trapeze

Material: 5 metal rods / pipes

In this case, it is much more difficult to match the components. However, the result is very good. First, you need to build the main arms of the trapeze, which will be attached to the wall, board, etc. These should be the most robust part of the structure. It is advisable to put two small supports from below the shoulders. They should form a right-angled triangle together with the wall and the arms. Then he just wants to add the trapeze itself. We recommend a fairly narrow, metal, round pipe for this task. Now it's just a matter of attaching the structure to the wall or plate.

Visící hrazda, Boulderbar, Boulder, hrazda, jak postavit hrazdu, VARP, lezení, Callisthenics
Hanging Hrazda at the Boulderbar in Prague

Is it possible to build a Campus board?

Yes, and it's much easier than building a trapeze outside. Take a look PULL how about it and hooray for exercise!