Climbing season 2023

The new year of IFSC races is here. This one is a bit more interesting than last year for two interrelated reasons. The qualification is returned to us Olympic Games in Paris, which will be 2024. It is precisely because of this that the entire climbing championship lineup of climbers who missed last season is returning to us in full splendor. Ondra, Garnbret and many more are returning to the podiums of international competitions held within the framework of IFSC 2023 to fight for medals from the world championships, the championship and even rare places at the Olympic Games 2024. So what will the 2023 climbing season look like?

BigWall, Prague

2023 season

We're going to split the season into two here. The international one, where we will solve the world championship IFSC (and OL) and the Czech one from Czech Republic, on which the Czech Cup and Czech Championship are climbed. We will bring you information about climbers and results from both so that you (almost) don't miss anything.


The following races await us within the IFSC. The main thing for us climbers (and here at VARP) is bouldering and climbing on difficulty. Speed climbing therefore it falls aside. It is important to say that one of the rounds of the WC in Bouldering will be in Prague!

  • April 21-23: IFSC Boulder World Cup in Hachioji, Japan
  • April 28-30: IFSC Boulder and Speed World Cup in Seoul, South Korea
  • 6-7 May: IFSC Speed World Cup in Indonesia
  • May 19-21: IFSC Boulder and Speed World Cup in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
  • June 2-4: IFSC Boulder World Cup in Prague, Czech Republic
  • 9-11 June: IFSC Boulder World Cup in Brixen, Italy
  • 14-18 June: IFSC Boulder and Lead World Cup in Innsbruck, Austria
  • 30 June-2 July: IFSC Lead and Speed World Cup in Villars, Switzerland
  • 7-9 July: IFSC Lead and Speed World Cup in Chamonix, France
  • 14-15 July: IFSC Lead World Cup in Briançon, France
  • 1-2 September: IFSC Lead World Cup in Koper, Slovenia
  • 22-24 September: IFSC Lead and Speed World Cup in Wujiang, China

At the OL, climbers will qualify from the world championships - boulder and difficulty together, speed separately - from the world championships and from the individual continental championships that will take place during this year. There should be a total of 40 climbers at the Games.

Czech scene

We have two main events on the Czech scene. Championship of the Czech Republic - bouldering and difficulty - and the Czech Cup.
We will bring you the calendar and nominated climbers in the following week.
But you can look forward to events in Brno, Prague and Slané. The 2023 climbing season can be followed on Instagram and the CHS website and on the platforms of individual competitors.