Anouck Jaubert

Height169 cm
Ape index—-
Biggest competitive successGold at the 2018 World Speed Championships

 Anouck Jaubert is the last French climber and the fourth climber from this country to go to the Games. Along with the brothers Bass and by Mickael and climbing together Julie Chanourdie thus forming the largest foreign team. Jaubert is a French Olympic representative in speed climbing, and the current world number two in this discipline.


Anouck is not a first-class climber, like her co-climber Chanourdie. In her childhood, she alternated between several sports before getting into speed climbing. He is not one of those climbers who were attracted to the sport by their love for rocks and nature. She is not a boulderer or someone who spent a lot of time on rocks as a child. She is a pure speed competition climber.

Jaubert only started competing at the age of 16. She spent a year in the youth and the next two years in the junior division, where she shone. In the junior category, she won several international titles and the title of European champion. According to her, however, this part of her career served mainly to gain competitive experience, which she used among adults.

It was among adults that Anouck achieved her greatest success. Which include a win at the 2018 World Championships and a subsequent silver in 2019. She held the women's speed record (now holds Iulia Kaplina) and in addition she grabbed two bronze medals from the European Championships.

Anouck Jaubert and Tokyo 2021

Anouck Jaubert has about the same chances of winning combined gold as Kaplina or Miroslaw, which are practically none. She is not a good enough climber to compete with the boulderers on the Japanese national team (Noguchi and Nonaka) and is nowhere near good enough at climbing difficulty to make the top ten. What she can do, however, is win the speed discipline, in which there are only four female speed specialists who dominate the discipline (Chapel, Miroslaw, Jaubert and Yiling). A win at the Olympic Games will be imaginary for Anouck Jaubert (as the Games are in combined format) zlatá medaile z rychlosti. Na víc si nemůže dělat naděje, jelikož nedosáhne dostatečně nízkých bodů na zaujetí prvních tří pozic. První tři posty budou patřit lezkyním, které jsou expertní v jedné disciplíně, extrémně dobré v druhé a v poslední jsou přijatelné. Bohužel Jaubert má své schopnosti naopak, jelikož je „přijatelná“ ve dvou ze tří.

World Cup 2019SpeedSilver
World Cup 2018SpeedGold
IFSC Speed World Championship2019Bronze
IFSC Speed European Championship2019Bronze
IFSC Speed European Championship2013Bronze
Escalade - Anouck Jaubert on the way to Tokyo
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