What is Bonk Place?


If you have met us VARPists somewhere, it is possible that you have heard the word Bonk place. If you've never met us and don't know what I'm talking about, that's okay, I'll explain right away. The article, or rather my next personal outpouring, will concern the SmíchOFF climbing center and why we declared a small boycott of it.

A bit of context to begin with. Like a lot of other climbers, we started on what we now call Bonk place and climbed there for a long time. We alternated between two centers, Bonk place and Bigwall, one of which remained. We went to Bonk place mainly for the boulder section and for joint climbing. But Bigwall quickly began to eat away at OFF's perception. Everything was fine until September 2021 when we came across BoulderBar. In all honesty, he changed our perception of what a good boulder is.

Since last summer, the popularity of Bonk place began to fall rapidly and in December there was a turning point, we could not go there again. It occurred to us that everything was wrong. Boulders are not suitable for rock climbers (which we are), they are too balanced and acrobatic, the holds are not washed and slide, the fixed ropes are practically grigris and you can't go down on them, and so on. And so we get to this year.

Laugh OFF war

This year, within our climbing group, we declared a "War against SmíchOff" and renamed the place Bonk place (because when you say SmíchOFF, anyone has the right to Bonk over the person's head). But now you're wondering what they did at Bonk place that we declared an internal war on them. In the finale...nothing really.

Yes, it sounds terrible to say it like that. But the truth is that they only did one thing. It's more about what they don't do. Bonk place is definitely a good climbing wall for beginners, no doubt about it. It is spacious, with lots of rope lines and great diversity. However, as soon as we compare it with the BigWall, BoulderBar or Třináctka, errors begin to appear. Our main problems are with the boulder. The holds are not regularly cleaned, the paths are balance-dynamic (as if they want to imitate the IFSC) and are not built thoughtfully. More than once it happened to us that the smaller climbers simply did not reach. A problem that is much rarer on BW and BB.

Lano has similar problems. The grips are slippery, unwashed and dirty. Along with that, fixed ropes are simply impossible and so stiff that one would think they are on a rope-solo. In short, nothing that a person would want to do. The last rescue of the wall was, in our eyes, a joint with a self-reel. But it was recently removed and placed on the new "Bouldříkov", a place where it is definitely not needed. 


To sum it up. Bonk place buried itself. Different prices for men and women (yes, that's there too), joint changes and slipped grips are not something we want to support. Therefore, at the end of this long pouring out of the heart, we will appeal: Go to BoulderBar and to BigWall. We know they can be more expensive walls, but they are worth it! In addition to the fact that there are really good builders there, you also have almost a 100% chance to meet members of the Czech national team here and learn something from them. It's definitely worth it for us!

Good luck climbing!
Honza "Mrkev" Kulhánek

  • VARP, SmíchOFF, Bonk place, climbing
  • VARP, SmíchOFF, Bonk place, climbing
