The best bouldering in the Czech Republic – TOP 5

Bouldering outdoors is a new growing climbing hobby in Bohemia. Gradually, a new generation of climbers, which started during the covid era, is getting into outdoor bouldering. That's why it's time to look together at the best bouldering in the Czech Republic and our selection of the TOP 5 climbing areas that you can find here.

Boulder, ocún, bullit, dominator, borová skála, Boulder
Uncle Bullit, Dominator; Boulder Pine rock

Wild Sárka

The largest bouldering sector in Prague and Central Bohemia. Wild Sárka is a historical location which, until this year, was restricted only to members of the Czech Republic. You will find here a little over 300 boulders on mostly quality stones. Most of the boulders here are between difficulties VB (3) to V2 (5+). But there are also dozens of lines between V3 and V5 and a small handful of really demanding lines for experts.

All in all, Šárka is a pleasant and quite cozy climbing area, if you know where to go. Personally, we have to highly recommend Šárka, because it is a place where we often and like to climb both on a rope and with a mat. What makes Šárka one of the best areas? They are not challenging bouldering lines. Šárka is great for its availability for new climbers both in terms of transport, general orientation in the area and climbing availability of lines.

Distribution of difficulties in Divoká Šárka, 27 Crags


Ostaš and Bor are hidden in the Broumovsk region, a short distance from Adršpach. Together they have over 1400 boulder lines from VB to V13. 

Ostaš is, compared to other areas on this list, quite a small climbing area. You will find around 400 lines of varying difficulty. Mostly, however, it is challenging outdoor climbing between V3 (6A) – V9 (7C). Apart from these, there are also a handful of lines around the difficulty level V12 – V13 (8A/B). Bor, on the other hand, is a massive area where the number of lines exceeds a thousand.

Apart from the enormous number of very good routes of all difficulties, Broumovsko is special in one other way. It is almost entirely sandstone. Climbing here is therefore more specific than elsewhere in the country. However, with sandstone comes a certain uncertainty of good climbing conditions, so good planning and a plan B are recommended.


Šněžník je ikonická boulderingová oblast na hranici s Německem. Najdete tu téměř 900 boulder linií, které rozhodně nepatří mezi ty lehoučké. Většina cest se pohybuje nad hranicí 6A, tedy V3, což znamená že je to tu primárně pro zdatnější lezce. To ale neznamená, že si tu začátečník nezaleze. Je tu téměř 100 linek V1 (5)  desítky o něco lehčích cest.

The beauty of Snowman lies in its complexity. It is a hill filled with stones and almost every one of them hides a line. Yes, unfortunately they are relatively poorly searched for, but with an open guide on 27 crags it's not that difficult!

Difficulty distribution, Kralicky Sněžník, 27crags

Moravian Karst

The Moravian Karst is, among other things thanks to Adam Ondra, an iconic climbing place. It is here that you will find the most difficult boulder lines in the Czech Republic, such as Ledoborec. The climbing here is of all difficulties, but very demanding and so-called "Burly" lines dominate, which often fall above the V6 level. 

Why go here? Karst is a beautiful place with hundreds of lines for both sport climbing and bouldering. It is a place where each of us should visit at least once, to see what a real slipped stone looks like. At the same time, you can try to conquer the most difficult boulder lines in the Czech Republic. And you will find TOPO here.

Urban Bouldering

The last and our hidden favorite is Urban bouldering, aka Buildering. What's going on? About climbing around parts of the city and selected bridges, such as Náplavka in Prague. Buildering works differently in different cities. We therefore recommend asking local climbers if there are any circuits. But be careful where you introduce new urban lines. We definitely do not recommend historical monuments!

Floodplain - VARP