Basic climbing equipment

Ropes, helmets, boots, magnesium and more. What we all imagine under the term "basic climbing equipment" is relative. But spring is already around the corner and with it also looking for new material, ropes and shoes. So what should you have as part of your gear? We can advise you here on bouldering and sport climbing.

borová skála, Mrkev, Lezení, lezecká výbava, lano, lezečky
Honza Kulhánek, Borová skála

Climbing in general

Let's start with the simple one. Things that belong to climbing and that you can't do without, whether you're an athlete or a boulderer. The advantage is that most of these things are relatively cheap and small, so they don't hurt your wallet or storage space too much.

1. Climbing shoes

The first and main item on the list is climbing. They are also one of the biggest expenses we have as climbers, so they need to be taken care of care. But when the desired moment comes and we allow ourselves to buy a new pair, we need to choose wisely. shoe type, sole binding is all a factor to consider.

2. Magnesium and a bag

Relatively logically, magnesium and something to carry it in is an essential part of basic climbing gear. The type of mage is a matter of preference. Personally, we prefer a very fine powder, but to everyone's taste. Ocún has a very good and affordable mage. On the contrary then avoid Decathlon, as it is the most expensive of the easily available brands. 

3. Brush

A small brush doesn't cost a lot of money, but it should be the foundation. Not only for indoor climbing (after all, not every wall has enough brushes), but also suitable for outdoor climbing. On the rocks, you should especially have a brush to clean the rock after yourself and to sweep the mess from the holds.

4. First aid kit

As we wrote recently, a climbing first aid kit should definitely be the basis of every climbing equipment. Injuries and accidents don't take long, so having something to help you deal with them definitely comes in handy. You can find how to make it cheaply here.

kartáček, chyty, lezení, magnézium
Handle brush


One of the many advantages of bouldering is that most of the climbing equipment one needs for this discipline is often thought of as "basic". Therefore, in addition to climbing shoes, a magician, a brush and the occasional injury tape, "only" a bouldering mat is needed.


There are a huge number of boulder mats on the market. The differences are primarily in thickness, length and consistency. Double-wing mattresses up to 10 cm thick are standard. If we could recommend a good beginner boulderer from our experience with bouldering (primarily in Prague), it would probably be Uncle Moonwalk. It is 10 cm thick, with a carpet and comfortably absorbs a fall from 2.5 meters. It will cost you around 4,000 crowns, which, in our opinion, is an acceptable amount for something that will beautifully ensure most of the climbing.

Sport climbing

Rope climbing, no matter how unlocked, has a certain necessity. The basic climbing equipment here – apart from the obvious – consists of a rope, a helmet, a belay, quicksands and carabiners. How to prioritize it and where to put it joint gloves, Prussian, etc.? That depends on whether I'm an indoor or outdoor climber. Outdoor climbers have a much greater need to buy carabiners, a helmet and a belay. Things indoor climbers don't need as much.

1. Belay and carabiners

Whether you climb outdoors or indoors, belays and carabiners are needed everywhere. The basic one is a bucket (ideally with guide mode) and then you can build higher. Of course, assisted belays like Clickup or Grigri are never a bad choice. But if you don't know what to do, take a look PULL. We have already written something about fuses (and how they are choose).

Carbines they are important mainly for outdoor climbers, but indoor climbers should also have a few. It is ideal to have one HMS carabiner for belaying and then a few pieces of each type, depending on the use. But there are never enough carabiners. Fuses are a relatively secondary concern. It is about the shape and purpose of using the carabiner – safety, HMS, etc. We also wrote a manual for the carabiners, so you can decipher the abbreviations here.

2. Rope + Stand

For rope climbing, a rope is a certain prerequisite, both for indoor and outdoor climbers. Of course, we can do without it for a while, but our own rope opens up a lot of opportunities. What they are and how to choose one is a larger topic, so if you are interested, here it gets more elaborate. We recommend buying a 50m rope for indoor climbers and a 60m rope for outdoor athletes. 

The seat is connected to the rope, but practically only if you climb outside. It is absolutely impossible to do without it outdoors, because it is necessary for heating everywhere where there is no carabiner sling (which is usually not the case). Therefore, when you are already buying a rope, buy a 120 cm long seatpost. 80 cm is not bad, but in our experience it is too short for many things.

3. Helmet

We've said it once and we'll say it again. A helmet is required! In an ideal world, you wouldn't go out without it. It is especially important for the circuit breaker, who is more likely to be threatened by stones and debris falling on his head. Therefore, when you are already buying a rope and a seat, go to a decathlon and buy a cheap but good helmet. We know from personal experience that a few big hits with a rock will stop it! At the same time, we ask you to plan your outdoor trips and look at the icons on the roads to see if any are broken.

4. Express trains

Express trains are probably the last thing needed. The halls have unlocked paths and outside you can do without them for a while if you have somewhere to do a responsible toprope (on your own carabiners or steels). Nevertheless, you will soon reach the moment when toproping stops being the right thing and it will be time to climb the first one. A set of 6 express cars is usually enough for the lower sectors as it is Little Hlubočepská plate or most Pine rocks. But it is ideal to have 2 sets of 6 expressways so that you are really free to choose your routes.

odsedky, expresky, singing rock, lezecká výbava
Passengers and express trains

"The Others"

Climbing equipment is extensive and not everything in it is logically considered necessary. But what is unnecessary for one is necessary for another. Things like prusik (belay when abseiling), abseiling eights, joint gloves, traditional belay, telescopic shahlo and much more are not a necessity. But it is suitable for specific climbing styles or areas. Therefore, think about what you really need when you go climbing. Having a helmet when you only climb indoors is pointless. On the other hand, not having joint gloves when you prefer joint climbing is also not the best. It's all about common sense and what we can afford. Most importantly, take it with reason and reserve.

And wear a helmet!

Uncle Moonwalk, VARP


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